bw, bought seven BW films @$4 and theyre CFUCKING41! oh well.... at least i can print them myself. I love this pedestrian crossing it says HECK and amuses me to no end. The other shot is a little street in Newmarket that looked all rustic and photo worthy sace the giant signs.. and the third is our flat in Ellerslie/Mt welly!

4sec exposure in my room again. Yellow flash pic of the boys on the couch, should have made it long exposure because you can hardly see it on the neg. funny fun fun.

in the mirror, first photo on the roll im suprised it turned out. The one of the tree is so nice, the colour, focus. everything BUT it need work on composition, i think these cameras take much better photos in sunlight.

what colour flash did i use in the kitchen.... wish i hadnt double exposed the shot of the clouds they would have looked nicer just as is.

Gus the succulent. Me and tim with a blue flash that turned the photo black and white :)

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Matts patterned pants, too much blue i wanted colour!!! No freakin idea what went on with the ginger cat photo, i say hello to this cat every day and it croaks back in acknowledgement.
So there you have it my first films (except the one i processed in the wrong chemicals shhhhh)
1 comment:
I really REALLY like the one of your mirror, it looks like mine, with heaps of stuff all around it. I need to take one like this too me thinks.
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