i hate sketch up too. when i think green axis it should intuitively know and just make the shape on that axis WALL NOT FLOOR PLEASE

Why? because they're impossible to fix to a wall. ROAAARRRRR.
I went to modern plastics last week and looked at getting acrylic rods to somehow drill into the walls and fix the lenses to. It cost $42.90 per 2metres for the 10mm stuff, and can only be bought in 2m lots so i would be looking at getting roughly 4 metres. This isn't too extortionate but the man there reckoned that it would not be able to be glued to my lenses and that i would have to find some sort of glass clips. I didn't entirely believe him so went back to school and talked to Greg and he said the same thing, its too hard to try and glue things to a convex surface. feck.

Greg suggested the above as a solution but i think it will look to heavy compared to the work, wooden structures overshadowing my little objects. fuck me i am stressing out right now. need icecream and wine.
I went to Atlas glass and had a good chat to the hairy man there who will win at movember at he said 'go and die, you cannot get anything to clip on to curved glass nor can you drill through it', and with that i hopped back in to Jim's Holden barina and promptly got lost somewhere in Waitakere City.
Eventually i found Cambrian plastics, the lovely people there cut me a sheet of acrylic for about $10 cheaper than the price they quoted me which was $10 cheaper again than anywhere else i rang. Score! except when i got home i found that he cut it slightly crooked so it does not fit my light box. wanker. Not to worry i will have to go back and get acrylic for Francoli's light box too so i can say hey motherfucker do your job and cut this right. Everything is a little bit intense right now you see.
I got another sheet of acrylic so that i can drill through it and hammer little nails in to it to hang my work from. yeaaah. If i decide to do this i need to find some longer square hooks and ones that aren't that heinous gold colour. maybe i could paint the hooks a see through colour. excellent.